Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Abstract bipolar disorder research paper

Abstract bipolar disorder research paper

abstract bipolar disorder research paper

Bipolar Disorder is a mental illness that has many effects on the human body and mind. Known as manic-depressive disorder, bipolar disorder is most commonly found in young adults, and in some cases, children as well (Gallagher, , 35). Statistics show that bipolar disorder affects about four million people in the United States, and is becoming one of the most Jan 01,  · Close Drawer Menu Open Drawer Menu Home. DSM Library. DSM Library; DSM-5® DSM-5® Handbook of Differential Diagnosis; DSM-5® Clinical Cases; DSM-5® Handbook on the Cultural Formulation Interview In other words, when you come to us and say, “I need somebody to write my paper”, you can rest assured that we will assign the best possible person to work on Bipolar Disorder Research Paper Abstract your assignment. He/she will have all the necessary qualifications to work in this assignment, as well as Bipolar Disorder Research Paper Abstract a background offering /10()

Bipolar Disorder Essays and Research Papers - blogger.com

Bipolar Disorder Symptoms Bipolar disorder has been studied for more than a decade after remaining undiagnosed in abstract bipolar disorder research paper and adolescents for many years. Much literature such as that by Pavuluri, abstract bipolar disorder research paper, Birmaher, and Naylor band Kowatch and Debello is available on diagnostic issues pertaining to paediatric bipolar disorder. In addition, many cases studies have also been published on the topic such as those by DuVaI and Hamrin and Bailey This article will discuss the current available literature on the bipolar disorder diagnostic issues with specific focus on psychopharmacological treatments and its management for treating this disorder.

This paper will not abstract bipolar disorder research paper focusing on psychosocial interventions related to paediatric bipolar disorder. Severe disturbances in the functioning of children as well as their families are one of the symptoms of paediatric bipolar disorder.

Children with this illness mostly struggle in their academic and interpersonal lives. This causes them to be at risk for legal difficulties, substance abusefrequent hospitalisations or clinic visitatiosn and suicidal tendencies, abstract bipolar disorder research paper.

In addition, Kogan et al. under 13 years. Such findings provide evidence that the psychiatric nurse practitioners have a duty not only recognise but to treat child bipolar disorder.

Paediatric bipolar disorder consists of numerous features similar to adult bipolar disorder which makes the former a complex mood disorder. This illness occurs in about 1 to 1. The occurrence of symptoms varies from children to adults. For instance, in adults the grandiosity results in behaviours such as inflated self-esteem, excessive spending and inappropriate dressing, whereas in children the same grandiosity results in behaviours such as bossiness, abstract bipolar disorder research paper, argumentativeness, superiority attitude, giddiness such as being stronger or smarter than everyone and such.

In such patients, the symptoms of rage, aggressionabstract bipolar disorder research paper, affective storms are commonly seen. However, according to Biederman et al. In addition, the paediatric patients are mostly described as being destructive, out-of-control with severe impairment in academic and social settings Geller, Cooper, et al, abstract bipolar disorder research paper.

Children and adults also differ in euthymia. For instance, children may not show clear symptom-free episodes of euthymia unlike adults who demonstrate symptoms of syndromal and subsyndromal depression and mania. In addition, children are seen to demonstrate frequent polarity switch in abstract bipolar disorder research paper to adults Birmaher et al. Other symptoms the practitioners should look for are low sleeping needs, increased talkativeness, distractibility, emotional over-reactions, racing thoughts and ideas, increase in energypressured speech, high involvement in risky or pleasurable activities and increase in goal-directed activities because all these activities can have severe consequences American Psychiatric Association, In a study by Wozniak et al.

The illness prevailing in patients before the age of 17 is characterised by frequent mood switches, history of physical, sexual or verbal abuse, and worsening of the illness Suppes et al. Bipolar Disorder Etiology Genetics Parents with a bipolar disorder having a child had a 2.

In addition, Neuroanatomy The affective circuitry that consists of amygdalae, orbitofrontal cortex, cingulated gyrus, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and the limbic system are all concerned with bipolar disorder.

In a study of 20 adolescents who had bipolar disorder and 20 youngsters without any disorders were evaluated using magnetic resonance images Dickstein et, abstract bipolar disorder research paper. The results produced revealed that the children with bipolar disorder had aged reductions in their left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and amygdale whereas no differences in the hippocampal volumes were observed, abstract bipolar disorder research paper.

This contrasts the study of Frazier et al. Different researches have also found low amygdale volumes when high resolution MRIs in 20 bipolar disorder and 18 healthy youths are observed Blumberg et al. Abstract bipolar disorder research paper results of MRI in 20 bipolar disorder youths showed a consistent reduction in the volume of gray matter in right and left amygdale.

In addition, the subjects treated with lithium or valproic acid showed more volumes of gray matter in the amygdale compared to patients without any medication Chang et al. The amygdale function in the paediatric bipolar disorder patients was evaluated by Rich et al. In a study, 22 paediatrics with bipolar disorder were compared to 21 paediatrics without bipolar disorder using the MRI tests where the patients were told to label the emotional and non-emotional aspects of faces.

Bipolar disorder patients viewed higher hostility in neutral faces and showed higher activity levels in their accumbens, left amygdale, ventral prefrontal cortex and putamen. In another study by Kaur et al. It was found that the youth with bipolar disorder showed small mean volumes in their left anterior cingulated, and right and left posterior cingulate.

Research in the areas of protein systems, signal pathways and neurotransmitters is crucial for understanding bipolar etiology.

The role played by monoamines such as serotonin, dopamine and norephinephrine is vital. The prefrontal, limbic and striatal circuitry are highly supplied by the neurotransmitters as revealed in the MRI and mood regulation research.

In addition, the preliminary findings of Dean suggest that the changes in the binding site may be directly influential on the gamma-amino butyric acid GABA. The cyclic adenosine monophosphate cAMP also known as a messenger has been studied as a cause for bipolar disorder.

In post-mortem studies conducted by Chang, Li and Walshlow levels of cAMP were found in brain regions in patients with bipolar disorder as compared to healthy patients. The G-protein is the binding agent for serotonin and dopamine to their respective receptor sites. Such monoamines regulate the patient's mood and behavior. Many studies have been conducted that link the G-protein level disturbance in bipolar disorder patients even though their relation is still unclear Emamghoreishi et al.

The neurobiologic process is not linear when it is performed in the etiology of bipolar disorders. In addition, to understand the bipolar disorders' pathophysiology more clearly, abstract bipolar disorder research paper, studies on the neurotransmitter systems related to the nervous system needs to be understood as well as the G-proteins, receptors, signal transduction pathways and cAMP kinases interaction need to be studied Dean, Bipolar Disorder Treatments When the mood stabilisers are evaluated, it becomes clear that the lithium and divalproex sodium are highly effective in the acute mania treatment.

According to Kowatch and Delbellolithium is effective in children showing signs of classic euphoric mania i. does not consist any psychotic symptoms or comorbid ADHD. In comparison, divalproex sodium performed much better in one of the studies Kowatch et al. In amalgamation with other medicines like antipsychotics, Divalproex sodium is well tolerated and highly effective. When comparison is done between divalproex sodium and lithium with the Carbamazepine, then due to less effectiveness Carbamazepine has been used in a smaller amount with respect to the….

Suppes, T. The Stanley Foundation Bipolar Treatment Outcome Network II: Demographics and illness characteristics of the first abstract bipolar disorder research paper. Journal of Affective Disorders, 67, Wozniak, J. Manic-like symptoms suggestive of childhood-onset bipolar disorder in clinically referred children.

Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 34, Youngstrom, E. Evidence-based assessment of pediatrie bipolar disorder, abstract bipolar disorder research paper, Part I: Base rate and family history.

Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 44 7 Bipolar Disorder generally sets in during abstract bipolar disorder research paper or early adulthood though it may also occur late in one's life or during childhood.

It results in terrible mood swings ranging from mania and euphoria to depression and suicidal tendencies. The earlier a person is diagnosed with bipolar disorder the better. Medication is available for bipolar disorder, which helps control the mood swings and even treats the condition. Diagnosis of bipolar disorders. Bipolar Disorder: Genetics, Environment and Remedies According to the American Family Physician journal, "Bipolar Disorder is an illness that causes abstract bipolar disorder research paper mood swings, abstract bipolar disorder research paper.

This condition is also called manic-depressive illness" AFP, People with Bipolar disorder often express 'extremes' in emotions where they go from the ultimate happiness and 'high' to the ultimate depression and sadness. These are often referred to as Manic and Depression episodes where "Manic episodes usually begin abruptly.

Bipolar Disorder is a complex mood and brain disorder, characterized by unusual energy levels, shift in moods, and the capacity to carry out routine tasks. People living with this disorder experience numerous symptoms amid episode Hawke, Velyvis and Parikh, abstract bipolar disorder research paper, In addition, anxiety disorders are among the highly prevalent co-morbidities linked with the disorder.

Prior studies suggest that The disorder is characterized by severe and unusual shifts in activity, mood, energy, and ability to perform everyday tasks National Institute of Mental Health, Bipolar disorder is described as a condition in which individuals oscillate between periods of good or irritable mood and depression. The condition is basically characterized with very quick mood swings between mania and depression. While the actual cause for disorder remains unknown or unclear, it tends to develop in relatives of.

Bipolar Disorder: Abnormalities in Brain Structures and Functions A person experiencing bipolar disorder will feel alternately euphoric and severely depressed of they can have a mixture of those emotional states.

This condition is known to e a disease, much like any other chronic medical condition, which can be mediated by a medication regimen, but not cured. It is also known that there are elements of the disease which relate to certain structures. Learning Tools Study Documents Writing Guides About us FAQs Our Blog Citation Generator Flash Card Generator Login SignUp.

Download this Research Paper in word format. Excerpt from Research Paper : Bipolar Disorder Symptoms Bipolar disorder has been studied for more than a decade after remaining undiagnosed in children and adolescents for many years. Read Full Research Paper. Bipolar Disorder Words: Length: 17 Pages Topic: Psychology Paper : Bipolar Disorder Words: Length: 5 Pages Topic: Psychology Paper : Bipolar Disorder Words: Length: 2 Abstract bipolar disorder research paper Topic: Psychology Paper : Bipolar Disorder Is Described As a Condition Words: Length: 5 Pages Topic: Psychology Paper : Bipolar Disorder: Abnormalities in Brain Structures and Words: Length: 7 Pages Topic: Psychology Paper :

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Bipolar Disorder Research Paper | blogger.com

abstract bipolar disorder research paper

In other words, when you come to us and say, “I need somebody to write my paper”, you can rest assured that we will assign the best possible person to work on Bipolar Disorder Research Paper Abstract your assignment. He/she will have all the necessary qualifications to work in this assignment, as well as Bipolar Disorder Research Paper Abstract a background offering /10() Bipolar Disorder is a mental illness that has many effects on the human body and mind. Known as manic-depressive disorder, bipolar disorder is most commonly found in young adults, and in some cases, children as well (Gallagher, , 35). Statistics show that bipolar disorder affects about four million people in the United States, and is becoming one of the most Jan 01,  · Close Drawer Menu Open Drawer Menu Home. DSM Library. DSM Library; DSM-5® DSM-5® Handbook of Differential Diagnosis; DSM-5® Clinical Cases; DSM-5® Handbook on the Cultural Formulation Interview

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