Short paragraphs are easier to read and understand. Writing experts recommend paragraphs of no more than words in three to eight sentences. Paragraphs should never be longer than words. Vary the lengths of your paragraphs to make them more interesting. As with sentence length, if all paragraphs are the same size your writing will be choppy A paragraph is a number of sentences grouped together and relating to one topic. Or, a group of related sentences that develop a single point. This definition shows that the paragraphs of compositions are not mere arbitrary divisions. The division of a chapter into paragraphs must be made according to the changes of ideas introduced Specifically, it is a paragraph about the importance of learning English. It is a good paragraph for English learners. It contains the most important elements of a good paragraph, namely the topic sentence, the supporting ideas, and the concluding sentence. A number of linking words (cohesive devices) have been used to make the paragraph both coherent and cohesive (well-structured). The paragraph below answers the question: Why is learning English
A good paragraph about learning English | 1 strong paragraph
Paragraph on Pollution: Introduction of alien substances that negatively impact the environment is Pollution. These substances are called pollutants. They cause punitive damage to the ecosystem, which is long-term. Pollution is majorly due to humans exploiting natural resources. Responsible consumption and sustainable practices are the need of the hour in these dire times. Pollution is defined as the intermixing of harmful substances in the atmosphere that can adversely affect the Earth.
The different types of pollution are; air, soil, water and noise pollution. The increase in industries and urban livelihood is one reason for an increase in pollution. Factories emit harmful gases that pollute the air. Waste is dumped in water and land causing; both water and soil pollution.
These pollutants do not affect us at once but gradually. Drinking Polluted water can cause diseases like; diarrhoea, jaundice, etc. Poor quality air or polluted air can cause severe respiratory ailments and affect our breathing. Noise pollution affects our hearing and can cause severe damage in the long run. Small paragraph in english Earth has its way of functioning, much like the human body.
The disruption caused in this functioning is due to pollution, which results from human interference. The increase in pollution over the past couple of decades has put Earth into existential crises, small paragraph in english. There are different types of pollutants affecting the environment. Air Pollution is caused majorly due to the release small paragraph in english contaminants such as toxic gases in the atmosphere like; carbon dioxide CO2carbon monoxide, and aerosol sprays.
The causes are volcanic eruptions, small paragraph in english, automobile, or industrial effluents. Noise Pollution is due to Industrial machinery, motor vehicle, transport vehicles, and loud music. It can also cause chronic illnesses like cardiovascular diseases. Water Pollution is due to Industrial and household waste, which is dumped in rivers, Seas, Lakes, Ponds, etc. Drinking contaminated water can, at times lead to epidemics or severe diseases. Thermal Pollution is the changing temperature of large volumes of water induced by external factors.
In turn, Thermal Pollution leads to a drastic increase in the warmth of the water, killing aquatic flora and fauna in large numbers. Plastic Pollution is the use of plastic, which is a non-biodegradable substance. Most of the plastic used ends up being dumped in oceans, hence, causing great harm to the ecosystem and small paragraph in english aquatic animals.
A lot of efforts need to be put into monitoring, controlling, and rectifying the damage caused due to Pollution. Addressing these issues and bringing in the required measures needs collective efforts, small paragraph in english.
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Ten lines Essay on coronavirus-covid 19-in English/Coronavirus Essay Writing
, time: 8:06Write short paragraphs | blogger.com

· We have provided Pollution Paragraph in English, suitable for class 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 & 10 school students. Short Paragraph on Pollution Pollution is defined as the intermixing of harmful substances in the atmosphere that can adversely affect the Earth. The different types of pollution are; air, soil, water and noise pollution A paragraph is a number of sentences grouped together and relating to one topic. Or, a group of related sentences that develop a single point. This definition shows that the paragraphs of compositions are not mere arbitrary divisions. The division of a chapter into paragraphs must be made according to the changes of ideas introduced Short paragraphs are easier to read and understand. Writing experts recommend paragraphs of no more than words in three to eight sentences. Paragraphs should never be longer than words. Vary the lengths of your paragraphs to make them more interesting. As with sentence length, if all paragraphs are the same size your writing will be choppy
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