· A thesis statement provides the foundation for your entire research paper or essay. This statement is the central assertion that you want to express in your essay. A successful thesis statement is one that is made up of one or two sentences clearly laying out your central idea and expressing an informed, reasoned answer to your research question 15 Thesis Statement Examples. Below are 15 debatable, supportable, and focused thesis statements for you to learn from. Feel free to customize them for use in your own argumentative essay. As you read the following examples, be careful not to use these thesis statements word-for-word. I wouldn’t want you to get in trouble if your teacher did · A FEW MORE TOPICS & THESIS EXAMPLES TOPIC: body piercing BAD: Body piercing is popular among kids nowadays. BETTER: Body piercing among contemporary youth represents the latest form of rebelling against authority that previous generations manifested in smoking, getting tattoos, and wearing mini-skirts. TOPIC: female musicians BAD: Female
Free Examples of Thesis Statements: Tips on Writing a Great Thesis Statement - BrightHub Education
The complexity and requirements of a thesis or dissertation can vary according to the university, program or even country you are studying in. Regardless of the these factors, a good thesis statement is essential to ensure that your thesis can stand its ground and enable you to actively pursue your academic endeavors without any hiccups.
What makes a good thesis statement? Simple answer, precision and enough evidence to support your statement. Bear in mind that your thesis statement should be easy enough for you to support your research. If you struggle to write your paper, it would most likely be due to a weak statement. Students can get carried away education thesis statement examples to the pressure of writing a compelling thesis statement, education thesis statement examples, only to realize they cannot support the statement they have picked with the required evidence to make the argument stick.
The following is meant to provide readers with ideas regarding what type of statements can help them with their thesis and how they can back it up with evidence. You might also want to check out our post about how to write an essay to get ideas regarding how to go about writing a quality thesis to support your statement, education thesis statement examples. Thesis Statement: The rise of online shopping in the wake of COVID might lead to the permanent closure of millions of brick-and-mortar outlets.
The above statement can be deemed analytical, with a need for evidence to support the statement. There have been several research reports, statistics and forecasts on the rise of online shopping retailers like Amazon amidst the crisis.
There has also been closure of virtually every type of business from across a wide array of industries due to COVID, especially the ones that have failed to digitize. You can also make your statement more specific by focusing on closure of retail outlets, education thesis statement examples, eateries, etc. Note that the above statement does not discuss the closure of businesses but the physical outlets.
Thesis Statement : Because many people might be unwilling to vaccinate in country x due to their education thesis statement examples towards a COVID vaccine, education thesis statement examples, the government must ensure that mass awareness campaigns regarding the need to vaccinate starts prior to the launch of the vaccine. This statement makes a case for the use of vaccination by convincing people to vaccinate as soon as a new vaccine becomes available. This is a persuasive statement, which can be backed by evidence regarding how anti-vaccination drives and misconceptions have in the past led to the spread of disease.
For example, education thesis statement examples, misconceptions and resistance towards the polio vaccine has resulted in cases still being reported in countries like Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Thesis Statement : As physical libraries become obsolete due to digital devices, the government should fund digital libraries instead education thesis statement examples physical ones to ease the economic burden of students required to buy expensive e-books. The above statement would require the individual writing the paper to make a strong case regarding why physical libraries are more expensive and less efficient to manage as compared to virtual libraries that can help students acquire books without incurring heavy charges for renting or purchasing e-books.
You can also make a case for open education resources to help students excel in their studies. Thesis Statement: The government should digitize libraries and provide increased resources to support digital devices, such as new computers, education thesis statement examples, high-speed internet connectivity for remote devices and online access to books.
The example statement above is an alternative version of the statement which suggests increased digitization of libraries. The research paper can include arguments regarding the changing nature of how people now prefer e-books instead of paperback and how students require high-speed internet to connect to a number of remote devices and make the entire library available online. The thesis statement education thesis statement examples referring to the government in your country.
It is quite possible that your country does not yet offer one or more of the aforementioned services in government-run libraries and they might be becoming irrelevant. Thesis Statement: The cost of healthcare services for most people in country X is unbearable due to low average incomes, high prices of essential medicines and lack of government-funded hospitals. This analytical statement singles out a country and mentions that the majority of people are unable to afford healthcare services due to low average incomes, expensive essential medicines and lack of government-funded hospitals.
There are a number of developing countries which suffer from this phenomenon. Some low-income countries even have one hospital per five million people and not even a basic health unit in most parts of the country. Furthermore, medicine prices are heavily impacted by exchange rates and a weak currency is likely to drive up prices for poor countries relying on imported medicine.
All the required information such as average income, data on government hospitals and medicine prices can be usually acquired for a country through official sources, as well as independent research.
This can help provide enough evidence to back your statement. Thesis Statement: Increased taxation on cigarettes can help save the government on healthcare-related expenditure which can be used for improving healthcare services in the country.
There are three aspects to cover in this statement. One is the application of taxes and to prove that it will help people move towards smoking cessation or alternatives, education thesis statement examples.
This will have to be backed by similar results from other countries. For example, countries like the UK and New Zealand have over the years heavily taxed cigarettes and reduced smoking.
The evidence related to this can be used for this statement. The second part deals with the government saving on healthcare expenditure which will require explaining the existing burden on healthcare due to e, education thesis statement examples.
increase in cigarette-induced cancer and other diseases such as tuberculosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, heart diseases, etc. Lastly, a education thesis statement examples can be made regarding the need for improving healthcare services and how the money from a reduced healthcare burden can help do that.
Thesis Statement: A diverse group of people working on projects related to human development can help improve the planning and efficiency of development programs designed for marginalized communities. Development sector organizations, especially international non-government organizations often try to account for diversity, where people from different, ethnic, religious and educational backgrounds are hired for executing human development programs.
Many times, some people are also hired from other countries to bring their experience to the table. Thesis Statement: Blue-collar workers whose jobs are vanishing in province X should be retrained for work in green energy to reduce unemployment, improve the environment and local economies.
In recent years, many blue-collar jobs education thesis statement examples vanished in many countries due to slowing global demand, education thesis statement examples, global recession, the rise of Chinese manufacturing firms and more recently, COVID This statement can also be limited to a local economy to further narrow its scope.
The statement can be backed by evidence related to vanishing of jobs for blue-collar workers, the need for improving the environment, education thesis statement examples, e. due to deteriorating air quality, solid waste management challenges, rise of plastic pollution, etc. Education thesis statement examples case for reducing unemployment and improvement in local economies can also be made by pointing towards data related to unemployment rates, closure of industries in province x and how green energy initiatives can help cope with environment and socio-economic problems.
You can make a case for either using green energy for local consumption or to export electricity to neighboring countries with increasing electricity demands and low capacity. Thesis Statement: Wind turbines need to be replaced with alternative sources of green energy due education thesis statement examples their hazardous effect on human health and wildlife, education thesis statement examples.
The above statement makes a case against wind turbines. While they were hailed as an alternative source of renewable energy in the past, research has suggested that the noise and effects of wind turbines on humans and wildlife can be quite adverse.
This includes not education thesis statement examples birds dying due to collisions with the turbines but also the noise pollution caused by them. To back such a thesis statement, you will have to not only state facts and research related to the subject but also state viable alternatives and comparisons, education thesis statement examples, proving why they are better than wind turbines.
Thesis Statement: Governments should prioritize climate change adaptation since global warming cannot be reversed. This is an example of a fairly ambitious thesis statement. It caters towards not only covering climate change but makes a bold statement that global warming cannot be stopped. This topic is subject to much debate, with claims that the carbon in the atmosphere can no longer be reduced.
The topic has enough research and data available to make a case. Furthermore, climate change adaptation is a hot education thesis statement examples and many governments around the world are working on their adaptation strategies, education thesis statement examples. However, such a topic can still be quite controversial and undertaking such a thesis can be ambitious, as the counter-arguments can be as strong as the narrative you might present. You might need to present a Education thesis statement examples presentation to defend your thesis.
In such a case there are a number of things you can do to make sure that you are able to concisely explain your argument while keeping your audience engaged.
You can read all about our tips from this post about thesis presentation. A good thesis statement is the foundation for your thesis. A weak statement education thesis statement examples likely to lead to a roadblock in proving your statement. Your thesis statement should be flexible enough for adjustment, as sometimes a student might need to rewrite a thesis statement for a working thesis.
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PowerPoint Templates Best PowerPoint Templates Latest PowerPoint Templates PowerPoint Backgrounds. Writing a Good Thesis Statement Thesis Statement Examples Examples of thesis statements related to Covid Example of thesis statements related to education Examples of thesis statements related to healthcare Examples of thesis statements related to employment Examples of thesis statements related to science Using a PowerPoint Presentation for Thesis Defense Final Words Writing a Good Thesis Statement What makes a good thesis statement?
Examples of thesis statements related to Covid Thesis Statement: The rise of online shopping in the wake of COVID might lead to the permanent closure of millions of brick-and-mortar outlets. Example of thesis statements related to education Thesis Statement : As physical libraries become obsolete due to digital devices, the government should fund digital libraries instead of physical ones to ease the economic burden of students required to buy expensive e-books.
Examples of thesis statements related to healthcare Thesis Statement: The cost of healthcare services for most people in country X is unbearable due to low average incomes, high prices of essential medicines and lack of government-funded hospitals. Examples of thesis statements related to employment Thesis Statement: A diverse group of people working on projects related to human development can help improve the planning and efficiency of development programs designed for marginalized communities.
Examples of thesis statements related to science Thesis Statement: Wind turbines need to be replaced with alternative sources of green energy due to their hazardous effect on human health and wildlife, education thesis statement examples.
Using a PowerPoint Presentation for Thesis Defense You might need to present a PowerPoint presentation to defend your thesis, education thesis statement examples. Final Words A good thesis statement is the foundation for your thesis. Like this article? Please share Recommend Tweet Share on Linkedin. Your Comment. Subscribe to Comments via RSS, education thesis statement examples.
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15 Thesis Statement Examples. Below are 15 debatable, supportable, and focused thesis statements for you to learn from. Feel free to customize them for use in your own argumentative essay. As you read the following examples, be careful not to use these thesis statements word-for-word. I wouldn’t want you to get in trouble if your teacher did · Example of thesis statements related to education. Thesis Statement: As physical libraries become obsolete due to digital devices, the government should fund digital libraries instead of physical ones to ease the economic burden of students required to buy expensive e-books · A FEW MORE TOPICS & THESIS EXAMPLES TOPIC: body piercing BAD: Body piercing is popular among kids nowadays. BETTER: Body piercing among contemporary youth represents the latest form of rebelling against authority that previous generations manifested in smoking, getting tattoos, and wearing mini-skirts. TOPIC: female musicians BAD: Female
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