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Child observation reflection essay

Child observation reflection essay

child observation reflection essay

Child Observation Record Reflection Essay Ashley Leitschuh University of North Texas Running Head: CHILD OBSERVATION RECORD REFLECTION 2 When I saw that we were required to do four observation hours in the Child Development Lab, I was not super excited Child Observation Reflective Essay. Child Observation Essay Child Observation Essay Observing a child can be the key to understanding a child’s development. In an effort to further understand early childhood, I observed a boy named Matthew, who is five years old. He is currently in kindergarten and a very energetic, happy child Child observation This essay will critically examine the role of a social worker to observe a child. This essay will also talk about the ethics and the anti-oppressive practices in relation to care of children. The child I observed was named S who was three and half years old from an Indian Family

Reflective Essay On My Child Observation And Presentation: [Essay Example], words GradesFixer

Home — Essay Samples — Psychology — Child Observation — Reflection On Child Observation In The Middle Childhood Stage. People in society spend a lot of time observing, whether we are intentionally or unintentionally aware of it.

People observe through their environment and day-to-day activities that transpire. Observations can be done through engaging in different actions and environmental settings such as public transportation, restaurants, hospitals, work and shopping amongst others. As a social worker in training, it is important for me to observe competently to be able to effectively assess the safety and environment of clients, which will strengthen my skills and help me in determining what treatment options, may be best for children and families.

The life stage used for this focal observation was the middle childhood stage. Children in this stage 4 ages ranges from age five or six and ends at ages ten to twelve. I choose this life stage because I believed I could gather more data through observance.

The middle childhood phase is typically when children began to expand their roles and began to develop their identities in society. Many changes began to take place for them socially, cognitively, and ecologically. The observation occurred for almost twenty minutes. A hospital is an institution that provides medical care and treatment to individuals who are sick and injured and which many children dread going to. Children often associate the hospital with undesirable feelings based on their childhood experiences; such as receiving required vaccinations during the infancy and toddlerhood stage.

Inside the hospital, I remember the walk from the elevator to the waiting room being really long. The walls in the ICU unit were taupe and the lights were dim, which represented a dull and lifeless feeling, child observation reflection essay. In the waiting area, there was one tv mounted on the wall, a patient bills of rights chart hanging up by the door and two vending machines opposite from the 8 chairs.

One filled with unhealthy snacks and the other filled with sugary drinks such as Pepsi, Sunkist, and fruit punch. The smell in the hospital was reminiscent of a chemical smell that most hospitals have. There was medical equipment present in the halls such as EKG machine and blood pressure monitor. Medical professionals were moving around and working.

The atmosphere in the hospital was very low; sadness was conveyed via facial expressions and body language. Before starting this observation, I remember feeling emotional. I was in the hospital visiting a love one that fell really ill and was in surgery.

I planned on conducting it in a different setting such child observation reflection essay a supermarket or movie theater. However, when I arrived and got settled, I noticed that there was a child in the waiting room, the only kid I actually came across over the last two weeks in the ICU unit during my visits to the hospital. I began to think how difficult it must be for him.

What emotions were going through his head? Was he nervous or scared? Did he want to even be here? For me, as an adult I was going through many feelings and dealing with my own anxieties, child observation reflection essay. For a child that experience can be traumatizing furthering impacting their cognitive skills and functioning. The middle childhood stage falls under Erikson category 4 which is industry vs.

This is the stage when children typically began to do things on their own and gain a sense of independency. During the middle childhood they began to build their self-image, being able to make decisions and assert themselves. Most children began their school journey during this stage preoperational thought. Increasing their cognitive development, self- confidence, social skills, and gaining more independence as they come into contact with larger society. Such as teachers, churches, fellow classmates, librarians, bus drivers, sporting activities, etc.

During my observation I noticed the child more than likely went straight to the hospital from school, because he still had his book bag with him. The boy who appeared to be around eleven, had on jeans, a long sleeve top, old sneakers and look like he can use a haircut.

In addition, I observed he was overweight for his age. This was an indicator that he may not be physically active, or his family may be experiencing financial issues.

The child also was very inquisitive asking a lot of questions about different topics ranging from school to his grandma who was sick in the hospital. He spoke articulately, child observation reflection essay, displaying his language development. The child was able to tune into his mom feelings and sympathize with her, child observation reflection essay, by rubbing her hand and displaying affection and compassion.

Presenting advance coping skill during this difficult time. Sophistication in understanding and enacting cultural display rules has increased dramatically by this stage. Family and peer groups are important influential systems for children in the middle childhood stage; they typically are seeking a desire to feel accepted as they constantly compare themselves to others in society. Positive peer and family relationships has a child observation reflection essay impact on their development.

Children have a growing peer orientation, yet they are strongly influenced by their family. Based on my assessment, the child appeared to be from a low socio-economic background.

The possibility of walking home was mentioned, this was an indicator that they must live within close range to the hospital. The south Bronx is the poorest county in New York Child observation reflection essay. A large amount of families in the Bronx are living below the poverty line.

In addition, studies show the Bronx has higher asthma rates. All which can have child observation reflection essay profound impact on children. Poverty can have a significant impact on the upbringing of children. Ultimately, impacting them as they become adults.

Risk factors includes community violence, low self-esteem, ineffective discipline, divorce, failing schools, and poor nutrition which negatively impact their health, eating habits, school success, and relationships with family and friends. Based on the environment and setting of the observation, I honestly think my presence had no effect on the child I observed.

Due to the circumstances the child was focused on providing support for his mom and loved one whom was in the hospital. For me, I was in awe that a child was able to put his feelings to the side to step up and be there for his mom. Exhibiting masculine identification as he showed strength and leadership.

Which seem to come naturally child observation reflection essay him. Based on my observation, the case falls under the system perspective, child observation reflection essay. The system perspective views human behavior as the outcome of interaction within and among systems of interrelated parts.

For children in the middle school stage, both internal and external systems play a major role in their development. Systems such as family, schools, friends, child observation reflection essay, health care, and other environmental factors are all significant for children development during that stage. I agree with Hutchinson, as I think back to my middle childhood experiences, I remember how the support of my family, teachers and friends gave me the self-confidence I needed to believe I can do anything I put my mind to.

He was also very attentive; displaying his emotional attachment child observation reflection essay his mother. In addition, love and nurturing is crucial which plays a vital role for children in the early stages of development. Within a level they are always making advances, and those advances taken together help prepare them for the next level.

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Child Observation Reflective Essay Free Essays

child observation reflection essay

The child I observed was 12 months from a single parent family and had three older siblings, the observation took place at her home after I acquired consent from the mother I started my task Hutchinson () states” During middle childhood, the child’s social world begins to expand dramatically.” The observation took place on April 16th, , approximately pm in the Bronx, NY at Lincoln hospital, in the ICU surgery unit, waiting area on the 9th floor. The observation occurred for almost twenty minutes Child Observation Record Reflection Essay Ashley Leitschuh University of North Texas Running Head: CHILD OBSERVATION RECORD REFLECTION 2 When I saw that we were required to do four observation hours in the Child Development Lab, I was not super excited

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