· Some tips for preparing a speech outline: Most speeches or speech outlines will only have three to five main points- Making decisions about what is most important The average audience will give a speaker about 7 minutes before losing interest- This is neither conscious nor Practice your Career Speech Outline. Previewing page 1 of actual document. View the full content. View Full Document. View Full Document Career Speech Outline. 0 0 54 views. Pages: 4 School: Highline College Course: Speech - Fundamentals of Oral Communication SPEECH I CAREER SPEECH OUTLINE FORMAT I. INTRODUCTION A. Attention Step: Humor, Quotes, Startling Statement, Direct Question, Story and Statistic. B. State purpose: include here why you have chosen this career (skills, interests, personality traits, etc.)
How to Compose a Career Speech | Synonym
The life goals of a person generally revolve around what we want to become. The occupation that we want to pursue becomes a part of our personal identity. A good morning to the teachers and students gathered here today. Since a very young age, career speech outline, we invest heavily, consciously or unconsciously, in building our careers. A career is generally a journey that an individual makes through education and work and forms a major part of their life.
In this sense, occupation is just a part of career and it is a larger idea encompassing the growth and development of the individual. Careers have an important role to play in our lives. Beyond giving us the income to live, careers give us the direction and purpose in life. Work is worship and we derive our satisfaction from it. Therefore, making a wise career choice that enables us career speech outline derive happiness from it will make our lives more complete and meaningful.
It helps us organise our perspective and position ourselves across ideological spectrums. Career paths are often chosen very early in lifecareer speech outline, as young as 17 years of age. This is often done with the view of specialisation. The more we do something, the better we get at it. Also the more specialised we are, the more in-depth is our knowledge. However, this does not mean that careers are fixed for life. Many individuals have been successful in making drastic changes to their careers.
But there are limitations to the extent to which we can change our careers, career speech outline. As a takeaway from this speech, I would like to give emphasis to the fact that making proper career choices are important for students. A career should be able to materially provide us with sufficient income and should also personally give us satisfaction that gives career speech outline and meaning to life.
We need to carefully evaluate the choices available to us and make one that suits us and makes us happy. Skip to main content Skip to secondary menu Skip to primary sidebar Skip to footer Home About History Important India Career speech outline TOU Contact Us.
Career — Speech The life goals of a person generally revolve around what we want to become. Footer Categories History of India History of Mughal Empire Modern History of India Important India Indian Geography Blog.
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Career Speech outline
, time: 3:07HC SPEECH - Career Speech Outline - D - GradeBuddy
Name Class/Class Time Date Career Speech Outline (enter title of your speech here, be creative) General Purpose: To inform Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about a career as a _____ (enter position here). Central Idea/Thesis Statement: Your 3 main points. I. Introduction A. Attention-getter: Captures the attention of the audience · Some tips for preparing a speech outline: Most speeches or speech outlines will only have three to five main points- Making decisions about what is most important The average audience will give a speaker about 7 minutes before losing interest- This is neither conscious nor Practice your SPEECH I CAREER SPEECH OUTLINE FORMAT I. INTRODUCTION A. Attention Step: Humor, Quotes, Startling Statement, Direct Question, Story and Statistic. B. State purpose: include here why you have chosen this career (skills, interests, personality traits, etc.)
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